This is a product that we will no longer carry in the future, so we are selling our last bit of it at Clearance Price.
Get some of these feeder baggies before they are all gone!
These Baggie Feeders are zip-top bags made from 4-millimeter plastic for feeding bees sugar syrup. The zip-lock style bags help give beekeepers a way to feed their bees more sugar water than many other styles.
These bags work by filling them with sugar water until they are 75% full. After sealing the bag tightly, bags are laid on top of or a / or a dedicated top feeder box. A small 2-inch "X" is cut into the top of the bag to release the air and give bees access to the syrup.
These feeders help give bees a higher volume of without specialized equipment. Two bags can be placed inside an and a . While cutting a hole in a bag on top of your bees may seem counterintuitive, they do work very well.
These baggies need a box to surround them. Any size box like shallow, , can work well. We have a that has a false floor that is designed to hold two of these bags.
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